IMAG0452 Grand Reopening Sign - Bellevue StarbucksThe Bellevue Starbucks has recently gone through a major renovation. This Reserve-Clover store is at 10214 NE 8th Street, in Bellevue, Washington. The store number is 303, which would indicate that it was the third Starbucks in the entire corporation. Store 301 is at 1912 Pike Place. Store 302 is the University Village Starbucks, which opened in 1972.

There will be a grand re-opening party for this store on Tuesday, May 13, 2014, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. There will be live music and food and beverage sampling! It will be a lot of fun. A partner reached out to me and wanted me to invite my readers to the event. Of course, I am happy to help gain some visibility for this pretty, newly-remodeled store.  I don’t say this often, but this was a store that was long overdue for a major renovation. I took some photos of the Bellevue Starbucks in January 2013, and you can see it looked like this Starbucks hadn’t been updated since the mid-1990s. Click through that link to get a sense of what this store looked like before the remodel.

If you happen to be in the area on May 13th, I hope you’ll drop by this Starbucks.

I dropped by late on May 7th just to get a glimpse of how beautiful the store is. The few photos here don’t do it justice. And, you’ll have a great experience too. I met a partner named Abrial (I sure hope I have that name right) who told me how really proud she was of her beautiful new store, and was delighted to have recently transferred back into the store. She’d worked at the store a while back, transferred to a different Bellevue Starbucks, and about three weeks ago came back to this lovely Reserve-Clover Starbucks.

If you’re there, please say “hi” to me too if you see me. I’m going to try to make it to the party next Tuesday too.

Congratulations Bellevue on your beautiful store!

IMAG0456 Bellevue Square Reserve Area 7 May 2014 - Store 303IMAG0454 Wall behind the pastry caseIMAG0451 Bellevue Square front entrance 7 May 2014