This is a message for the Starbucks partners reading this site: (Starbucks calls their employees “Partners”.)

Cosmo wants to remind and encourage you to pre-register for the greener apron ASU course! The course opens April 22nd and is free to all Starbucks partners! Cosmo took this course last summer. (Okay, this cute cat didn’t take the course, but Starbucks partner Jocelyn, also known as “the Modern Barista” did.)

It’s pretty cool to see a more in depth look at Starbucks approach to sustainability in our stores and how you can become more involved. Plus, you get a cool pin for completing the program! 💚

Go to to learn more and sign up!

Cosmo and Greener Apron

(I have an older article on CAFE practices here. That’s a 7-year old article, so it’s a little dated but it is still relevant and still has valuable information on Starbucks ethical sourcing. I recommend reading it whether you’re a partner or customer.)