It’s started out pretty simply. A few Ugly Sweater Gingerbread Men friends got together for a Frappuccino party!


The Ugly Christmas Sweater Gingerbread men really loved the sleeve the Frappuccino was in. The party started out tame. Then there were police sirens. A noise complaint for all that slurping! Two of the gingerbread men took off running, leave just one having his own personal “Frappuccino-kegger.”


Red Sweater Gingerbread Man just had no idea when to stop! Sometimes it’s hard to know when you’ve hit your limit!

20151218_185732 this gingerbread man drank way too muchNext thing you know, Red Sweater Gingerbread Man found himself sobering up in the county jail! It’s pretty easy to get charged with Driving Under the Frappuccino Influence.

20151218_185335 cropped2 behind barsThe good news is that little Red Sweater Gingerbread Man has no prior criminal history and he didn’t get into a collision. Probably in the morning the arraignment judge will let him out of custody on his own personal recognizance!

Don’t overdo it on Frappuccinos! 😉

Hope everyone had a good Ugly Christmas Sweater Day and that you got your cool freebie sleeve from Starbucks!

IMG_0974Thank you to The Modern Barista for the photos! Be sure to follow The Modern Barista on Instagram!